Title: Just You and Me Fandom: Supernatural Claim: General Series Prompt: 8 - Don't Close Your Eyes by Kix Rating: R Word Count: 3,000 Summary: Sam and Dean realize that they are all each other has.
Title: Little Jo Fandom: Supernatural Claim: General Series Prompt: 2 - I Remember You Rating: R Word Count: 1,400 Summary: Castiel gives Sam and Dean a surprise on Christmas Eve. Notes: Warnings: slash, incest, de_aged!Jo
Title: Stay, Part 3 characters: Sam/Dean, sam/Jess Rating: r Prompt: 7 - miles away Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: slash, incest, het Summary: sam is unable to make a choice. Time makes it for him.
Title: Secrets That Can Never Be Revealed Fandom:Supernatural Claim: Supernatural Prompt: 12 - Every Rose has it's Thorn Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 3,017 Notes: I own nothing Superantural. warnings: slash, incest, mpreg